I need to make an entry to keep Ben entertained. My apologies for being so busy. I’m in this training class for work and the instructor is some kind of slave driver. He just came to the computer terminal to lay a guilt trip on me for typing this instead of listening to him read from the training manual. I’ve been a commuter riding from Chicago out to Schaumburg and back each day which has allowed me to get ahead on my reading. I finished the new Nick Hornby which was solid, but not amazing and am in the middle of the new Zadie Smith which is shaping out to be a lot better than Autograph Man.
We went to the Hopleaf last night for a book reading. The bartender was super condescending when I was asking about the fact that they had Westvletern written both on their chalkboard and menu, didn’t have any in stock, but insisted that they did get tons of the stuff. The rarest of Trappists that you can’t even find in Belgium? I’m still in disbelief. Back me up Lucas…

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