Burnt Toast Vinyl was founded in late spring 1996, primarily focused on regional bands in Philadelphia and the surrounding areas. Since that time, the label has expanded its sights with releases from bands on three different continents. We have been an incubator label of sorts, giving starts to J. Tillman, the original Saxon Shore drummer, who is Father John Misty and was the drummer for the successful Fleet Foxes, and C. Wargo, the singer/guitarist of Scientific, who is now in Poor Moon and was a member of Fleet Foxes, Crystal Skulls, and Pedro the Lion. We released the initial pressings of Sufjan Stevens’ Seven Swans with our good friends at Sounds Familyre and have done vinyl releases for Wovenhand and mewithoutYou. Our one-sided LP series began in 2002 with Damien Jurado and has continued over these several years to include: Aspera, Early Day Miners, Efterklang, Emperor X, Half-Handed Cloud, Isolation Years, June Panic, Mount Eerie (technically a 5-sided LP), The Six Parts Seven, steven r. smith, Yume Bitsu, and more to come.CONTACT
Burnt Toast Vinyl
P.O. Box 42188
Philadelphia, PA 19101btv at burnttoastvinyl.com

to inquire about missing/delayed orders, e-mail: order at burnttoastvinyl.com