HUNTINGTONS : ¡Muerto, Carcel, O Rocanrol! Renacido!

In early 2020, HUNTINGTONS were set to release their 8th full-length album, ¡Muerto, Carcel, O Rocanrol!, their 1st in nearly 17 years. They were able to play two album release shows before the pandemic postponed their support effort for the album. Now 5 years later, ¡Muerto, Carcel, O Rocanrol! Renacido, is ready for issue. It’s this full-length album completely remixed by Perry Leenhouts at Point Break Sound (Randells, The Windowsill, Travoltas, Geoff Palmer, The Apers) and remastered with update cover art. The Renacido version finds HUNTINGTONS reborn and ready to bring these songs to the masses in a refreshed way.

¡Muerto, Carcel, O Rocanrol! Renacido! is a career defining album that will bring together old and new fans, symbolizing the possibilities that exist after nearly 30 years. “Muerto” (Dead) is where the band could have been, had they given up on their career completely in 2005, when they played a “final show”. “Carcel” (Jail) is where they would be had they continued using the same 3 chords, playing the same small clubs, covering endless amounts of Ramones songs and never branching out or taking risks. “O Rocanrol” (Or Rock-N-Roll) is where they are: doing what they want, when they want, and doing it louder, faster, with more attitude and a deeper meaning behind the songs. “Renacido” (Or Reborn) is the newly remixed and remastered version of the album.

It’s hard to think of the HUNTINGTONS without thinking of The Ramones given their two Ramones‘ cover album releases, backing Joey Ramone for a couple of CBGB’s shows, and members being in CJ Ramone’s backing band. ¡Muerto, Carcel, O Rocanrol! Renacido! finds the band building on that classic sound, but finding a depth and swagger in ‘70s rock and roll with technical skills from over 20 years as a band.

HUNTINGTONS’ Rocket to Ramonia was the first full-length released on Burnt Toast Vinyl. Over the years, btv has released a HUNTINGTONS 7”, two additional full-lengths, and the vinyl for High School Rock. This release marks a return to those beginning D.I.Y. days of the label.

Pre-orders for clear and white vinyl go live on 31 January.