When Sigur Ros’ “Staralfur” comes in during the end of The Life Aquatic, isn’t it a beautiful moment? Almost as beautiful at The Zombies’ “The Way I Feel Inside.” I love how Wes Anderson films are so soundtrack oriented, those details shine through. Bill Murray, Bill Murray, Bill Murray, Bud Cort. I don’t care what else you say, it’s fun to watch.
I got to hear some of the finished songs for The White Ox. Unwed Sailor is continuing on from their contribution to the For Jonathan soundtrack. They’re planning to tour in June and have a new swank website up, it’s really looking good. New dates are listed there, but here they are:
13 June : Little Rock, AR. The Oyster Bar
14 June : Baton Rouge, LA. Red Star Bar
15 June : Austin, TX. Church of the Friendly Ghost
17 June : Norman, OK. The Opolis
18 June : Fayetteville, AR. JR’s Lightbulb Club
19 June : Lawrence, KS. The Granada
20 June : St. Louis, MO. Radio Cherokee.
21 June : Des Moines, IA. The Vaudeville Mews.
23 June : Minneapolis, MN. Triple Rock Social Club.
25 June : Chicago, IL. The Bottom Lounge.
26 June : Grand Rapids, MI. The DAAC.
27 June : Traverse City, MI. American Legion Hall.
Go and see them play, it’s been far too long, don’t you think?