Some bad news…Ester Drang were in an accident while on tour. Apparently, a car rear-ended their van/trailer, the trailer came off, and then a semi smashed the trailer. Quite a few things have been damaged or destroyed. I don’t have all of the details, but this is what Johnathon from Unwed Sailor relayed to me. They are definitely in need of your support on their tour.
Denison opened up for Cat Power on Friday night, playing a few songs with Scott French and Steve Yutzy on drums/guitar. Chan Marshall was solo and played a few songs on guitar and piano before I left. Willis told me that I missed her calling a girl out of the audience to play guitar while she sang a few songs, a pretty incredible/freak out part of the show. I was on my way to the Baltimore airport to pick up Jess. Saturday, the van was packed for a visit to the Stone family ranch where Reels of White and Saxon Shore rocked out in the garage during a little sausage cookout. Thanks to everyone who came out for the rokk. Huge props to Matthew who found me an autographed Cash autobiography in Lebanon. I have to brag about having this hott rokk memorabilia.
Wednesday is the big night for the btv/fanatic CMJ showcase in NYC. Be sure to come out in support. Say hello, we’d all love to meet you.

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