Yesterday’s mail brought some heightened excitement to the week. I finally heard Unwed Sailor’s The Marionette and the Music Box on my stereo in its entirety. It will go off to be mastered to cd and vinyl today. I also came closer to completed my collection of Microphones releases, getting Window on Yoyo/Know-Your-Own, along with a new LP release from the Mountain Goats and an older LP release from Mirah, both on Yoyo.
I met up with my friends Michael and Andre last night for a bit to shoot the breeze and reminisce about old times at work since we all used to work together, but now don’t.
Thanks to J. Edward, the technology for Friday’s cellphone performance is underway. If all goes well, Andy will be playing with Reels of White from his apartment in Los Angeles. Maybe a future show will involve us all staying home while we play at a club remotely. Of course, maybe everyone in attendance could dial in to some central phone number and just listen to the show over the phone.
I changed the splash page last night, so hopefully that shakes things up a little. I have Dreamweaver for my Mac now, so that will help me maintain the site and spruce it up a little, until Willie decides the time is right for the sit update he once started. He is busy being an architect and student. I was doing computer things last night while watching the movie Pumpkin where Christina Ricci falls in love with a handicapped guy and her pristine sorority world falls to pieces. I was definitely into it and this was the second viewing for me.
I am making final arrangements for a trip for work to Singapore. I’ll be stopping to visit friends for a few days in Amsterdam and maybe get to Copenhagen, as well. I’ll be leaving in a couple of weeks, but mail order will still continue.

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