I upgraded my mac to OS 9.2.2 last night, in preparation for going to Jaguar once the cd arrives. I was a bit behind on updates, so it took a few jumps, but everything seemed to work out. I probably haven’t ranted too much publicly about my love for macs, but it’s true. Every btv release and ad has had its final graphics generated on a mac. I had a beta version of OS X, but never upgraded since the graphics programs I use weren’t ready at the time.
Not much newsworthy happening in btv land. Denison was in Phoenix this weekend, staying with Greg Markov (Fine China), and I talked to him and Markov on the phone. He was on his way to LA to rock and stay with our good friend Andy Bruntel (who designed this website and a few btv cds). Andy is also a member of Reels of White Softly Flow and we’ve been trying to figure out how to have him play live via cellphone. This could be a project for tonight or tomorrow night.

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