Autumn Updates
I’ve been away to Boston for the past few weeks and got to spend time with the very excellent Dr. Randall of Particularity of Jetenderpaul. Around this time in 1999, we were planning a road trip to Savannah for the video shoot of “Our Future’s Passed” at Savannah College of Art and Design. The release of this video on the Jetenderpaul Presents The Modal Lines record ushered btv into the modern era. Their lo-fi indie pop remains some of our very favorite.
Bosque Brown has been very busy. Mara and Ryan went to Europe and played a couple of shows in anticipation of the release of Baby for the original gerber baby in Europe on France’s Fargo Records. Bosque Brown will also be playing CMJ in New York City, Wednesday, 21 October at Local 269 at 10pm. We have a few live videos to post of Bosque Brown performances and will do that in the next few days.
For the autumn, we will be properly releasing Erik Enocksson’s Farväl Falkenberg on LP. We will also start work on the 15th anniversary deluxe re-issue version of Starflyer 59 Gold on vinyl. We have many plans, but few details on that one. Vinyl re-issues have been consuming much of our spare thoughts as of late.
For Philadelphians, the very excellent Wovenhand will be playing at Johnny Brenda’s this Thursday, 8 October. If you recall, btv co-released the vinyl edition of Wovenhand’s Consider the Birds. Ten Stones was released most recently on Sounds Familyre.
Speaking of Sounds Familyre, our friends Dan, Elin, Lenny, and Marian Smith have launched the Great Comfort Records label. Their first release is Come, O Spirit, an anthology of hymns and spiritual songs, and features some of our old friends including Damien Jurado, David Bazan, Denison Witmer, and Rosie Thomas.
Another old friend, Joey Sweeney, has launched the Philebrity label. We wish him the very best. The first release is a new album from Philadelphia’s Blood Feathers which includes Drew Mills, formerly of Aspera.
Some friends and I got a chance to catch our old friend David Bazan at a West Philadelphia house show in late August (thanks Sean). The performance with just a guitar and no microphone was an inspiring one. Would love to see more folks play like this, for sure. Also got to catch Akron/Family play in September here in Philadelphia. This band gives one of the best live shows around.
Oh yeah, some folks from Reels of White Softly Flow joined up with more friends for a secret performance this past August. We’ll probably post an mp3 here shortly.