I went to see Jared and Everything Now! play in Indianapolis on Friday night with my sister Wendy. Thanks for the hook-up, Jared.
My old friend Ron is back home for Christmas and a bunch of us all went to see the “Chronic”les of Narnia last night. I was impressed, I wasn’t sure what to expect, it seemed like most reviewers liked it, but had a few gripes about different aspects of the story. Aside from all of the kids buy risperdal looking like J. Crew models, I thought it was enjoyable and fairly faithful to the book, as well as I remember it. There was the extra intro segment which gave the director a chance to have some more action scenes, but I think that sets up the reason why the kids were evacuated to the British countryside in the first place, something that many in the audience may not really understand.
I’m back to Chicago on Tuesday.

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