I’m listening to Damien Jurado’s new album On My Way to Absence on Secretly Canadian. I’m a huge fan of his songs, as you may have guessed from the occassional vinyl only releases. The songs are more expansive compared to the very stripped down Where Shall You Take Me? There are strings, piano, horns, background voclas, all done so tastefully and beautifully. It’s more akin to Rehearsals for Departure, but not a remaking of that masterpiece. The lyrics still retain their dark murder ballad qualities, but in that darkness of hell on earth, there is just the smallest glimpse of heaven. I’ll have this added to the on-line store in a little while.
We partied down for Mike’s 25th birthday. The Phils were rained out, so we high-tailed it to Dave and Buster’s for some indoor arcade magic, as long as we could stand it. Then off to Jersey for some bowling, it was an almost surreal experience.
Dave and I went to see Sin City yesterday and I was grossly disappointed. More than once, the violence was so overwhelming and disturbing that I had to look away. It was successful from a stylistic perspective, but that was about it. I got a warning later in the day because my inspection wasn’t current…it was due last November. I had an appointment set and got it taken care of today, but I’ve been such a procrastinator in so many ways.
Saxon Shore are practicing for the next few days before going out on some April dates to the south and midwest. Check the tour page to find out when they’re near you. When they get back, they’ll be off to Fredonia, NY’s Tarbox Studios to start tracking for The Exquisite Death of Saxon Shore with Dave Fridmann.
Should I go see the Psychedelic Furs on Saturday? Is it going to be that amazing sort of reunion that finds the band just how they always were, some sort of terrible trainwreck, or somewhere in between?
Oh, and I have to stick to my guns and pull for Illinois tonight. I hope it’s a barn burner.

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