I’m in California now somewhere between Venice Beach and Santa Monica stealing bandwidth from someone’s open wireless network. They’re very kind to let me make use of their excess resources. On Friday, I got Cyndi Lauper’s autograph after waiting in a super long line. I’m not sure it was worth the camp value or not, but it was entertaining. Later on, Jess and I caught a very hideous performance from Canadian’s Broken Social Scene. I’ve heard the record is good. The live show just ain’t. You have been warned. Friday night ended up with a showing of Planes, Trains, and Automobiles on the big screen, like it should be. I remember going with my parents and friend Ron when I was a lot younger and it first came out. it was great to see it again in a theater. Saturday, we picked up Andy and our friend Brian and saw a weird parada and this insane bunny rabbit museum. A lady and her husband have 18,000+ bunnies in their house. Whacko? yes, but, of course it was worth going. Sunday, we saw The Revolution Won’t be Televised, a documentary about Venezuelan President Chavez and the day-long coup that kept him out of office in 2002. Really incredible to watch the events unfold.
By the way, a special congratulations to Michael and Liz Kaufmann on the birth of their new son.

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