I’m back from California, arrived this morning on the redeye flight. Yesterday, Mike, Elisabeth, Andy and I joined me for a pilgrimage to Dodger Stadium. We roasted in the sun and watched the Dodgers beat the Marlins 2-1. Later on, we replaced Andy with , wore our lobsterman t-shirts, and walked down the Venice boardwalk. Mike claims he saw Flea, but I think it was just the drum circle influencing him. I think I forgot to mention in my previous post that Mike was wearing a Half Japanese shirt on Thursday that his wife bought him for Christmas that was worn by Jad Fair. How amazing is that? Earlier, we also visited the Museum for Jurassic Technology. I?m officially soliciting evidence as to the validity of the exhibits. Some opinion suggests that many of the exhibits are purposely fake. Any advice via e-mail is appreciated.

On Friday and Saturday, I visited my aunt, uncle, and cousin in San Diego. I visited my cousin?s kindergarten class as his show and tell assignment. We all played lots of video games, did some miniature golfing, and road go-karts. Lots and lots of fun.

June Carter Cash passed away this past Thursday night. She was married to Johnny Cash, member of the Carter family, and co-writer of the famous ?Ring of Fire.? She will be missed as her songs and legacy live on.


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