
Today is a groundbreaking day, the artwork for Damien Jurado : This Fabulous Century LP is done and on its way to the printer. Ethan was the mastermind who made it happen. Look for this LP to finally be ready for Damien’s October tour. It also looks like some of the artwork may make its way onto a tour shirt, but we’ll see how that goes. I’ve posted the artwork for this LP and the Woven Hand LP in the webstore if you want to see very small versions of them. Also, plans are underway to finish the etching for Aspera : Back When Love so this one-sided LP is nearing completion. The audio and jackets have been done for a while, this is all that’s left. :::scott:::


For those out there awaiting the Starflyer 59 one-sided vinyl release, the audio plates are somehow missing and need to be re-done. This is finally happening in the next few days and is the last part of the release. I have boxes of covers sitting in my house, the etching and labels have been sitting at the factory for months. This will see the light of day in time for the autumn Starflyer 59 tour with Pedro the Lion. Also, my pal Ethan is going to crank out the artwork for Damien Jurado : This Fabulous Century this weekend with vinyl completed just in time for his October tour. Woven Hand : Consider the Birds vinyl is almost finished and should be back from the factory in a week or so in time for pre-orders. The cd on Sounds Familyre and the split release LP will be distributed by Secretly Canadian in November to your local record shops. Tonight was Denison Witmer’s last show in Philadelphia as a city resident. He’s moving to Madison, WI on the weekend and will only ever be seen back here on visits or tours. Goodbye, Witmer, I’ll miss having you around so often. :::scott:::