
Tonight, Efterklang at the Unitarian church sanctuary in Philadelphia. See you there, it’s going to be great. Soporus is going to be playing this Thursday, 29 May, at Circle Broad and Washington in Philadelphia with experimental acoustic noise improv group LATRALMAGOG. Unwed Sailor has made it to the west coast on their tour. They’ll be rocking the U.S. for over a month, be sure to see them. The Rhys Chatham concert in Williamsport was one of the best shows I’d ever seen. 100 guitarists from Williamsport’s Uptown Music Collective and various guest musicians played the various riffs and passages composed by Chatham who acted as the conductor. The venue, the Community Arts Center, is a beautiful old theater with amazing acoustics. The next night, the Uptown Music Collective held an after party show with David Daniel and Megafaun, whose members were part of the 100 guitar orchestra. I really enjoyed seeing Daniel’s ambient guitar performance. Seth and Dana from Akron/Family were also members of the guitar orchestra on Friday night and Seth played a large part in making the shows happen. It was great to see so many younger kids playing in such an avant-garde performance and so many of…Continue reading


Unwed Sailor starts their tour with Sybris tomorrow night in Lawrence, KS. I’ve updated the dates on the website and have also included some instore performances at a few records stores. They’ll be stopping in at Independent Records in Denver, Rasputin’s in Berkeley, and Zia Records in Phoenix. This is the first time Unwed Sailor is on the West Coast in quite a while, so be sure to see them as they support Little Wars. They’ll be making their way back to the East Coast through the course of the tour. We’re working on a 3 week Yndi Halda tour this August. More details once we have shows confirmed. This will be their first tour in the US. A group of us will be in Williamsport tomorrow night for Rhys Chatham’s performance with 100 guitar players. He’s unveiling a new composition during the show. I’m pretty excited to see them play. On Monday night, Efterklang will be playing in the sanctuary at the Unitarian church here in Philadelphia. Hope to see you there, I’m really excited to see them play. A special thanks to Andy for the new Sun Kil Moon April 2xLP. It sounds great. :::scott:::


I’ve added some more dates for Unwed Sailor’s tour with Sybaris in late May and June. Foxhole are wrapping up their weeklong jaunt, be sure to see them play. :::scott:::