I’m getting on a plane to the midwest in a couple of hours.
sunn-0))) was crazy last night, definitely amazing when they were bringing the slow guitar noise. It got completely ridiculous when the guest singer came up in makeup and started wheezing out some lyrics, but it was loud, very loud, and at least entertaining. Ethan and I debated the ridiculousness of the makeup and he insists that it was all an act and a necessary part of the show, where I just want to see guys in beards and huge stacks of amps knock me over with their wall of distortion, feedback, and noise.
The second installment of A Burnt Toast Vinyl Holiday Podcast is now up. Download away. I hope you’ve enjoyed listening if you did. I think there will be some more of these in the future with some rotating pod-djs or whatever you would call them.
All orders have gone out and Matthew will be sending out any priority mails prior to 20 December on 21 December.

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