We’re in Houston. Ester Drang played with Pedro the Lion and Seldom last night. It was good to see some old friends. The drang will do 2 more shows with both bands, so there is more yet to come. We got here a bit late to go to the Cy Twombly museum at the Menil Collection, it’s my favorite museum ever, but things worked out fine without a museum trip. We all did go to The House of Pies, possibly the best diner in America due to its large assortment of homemade pies. I had the French Blackbottom, an amaretto and fudge combination, since they were out of my favorite Bayou Good, which is pretty much an assortment of anything you can fit into a gooey cream pie. Brian and James both got Strawberry Rhubarb and my old pal Jack in Houston got a Lemon icebox. Kyle was mean and wouldn’t tell us what kind of pie he had, but this is what touring is all about: secrets, diners, and secrets at diners. Nice to have met a few people at the show last night at Mary Jane’s. Today we are off to Austin, one of my favorite cities.
p.s. a special thanks to terry for putting us up and to jack, sue, shawn, and jackson for all meeting up last night.

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