The Exquisite Death of Saxon Shore (recording, pt. 1)

Practice at the Doty compound in northern PA began with Matt, Matt and Steve doing some rehearsals and tracking for a day and a half. I joined them just as Steve was leaving for work back home, and spent quite a few evening hours learning the new songs and writing some parts. Meanwhile, Doty worked on some of the programming, and Stone kept us updated on the baseball scores. In the morning, we packed up the van, and then played some serious whiffle ball. I forgot the bat, but we scored a 6 foot long broom handle or something from the garage, and used that. I'm working on a wicked knuckleball, but sometimes it's not working, and I get rocked. Sort of like Tim Wakefield. -Willi$

garage = cold. even on a sunny spring day. -Steve

To Tarbox

We stopped at the reservation along the way for gas and ice cream. Matt and Steve rocked the sandwich style treats, while I enjoyed a cone. I also made a mental note of the super cheap gas prices, which will be key on the return trip. -Willi$

When we arrived, no one was there, so we enjoyed the excitement in the air, grinned like idiots for a few minutes, and then got down to the serious business of more whiffleball, which we enjoyed for a bit until Dave, Mary, their boys and Michael Ivins showed up to open up the studio and give us the tour.

I have more hitting skills than Ichiro. -Stone Malone

Matt tests the monitors with some 'NSync (his favorite band).

We quickly got down to the business of setting up all of our gear and playing with all of the sweet gear that was already in the studio. For Matthew, that meant a killer amp and some fun pedals. I think he also tried out some of the guitars lying around, including a one with a stereo output, which was pretty cool. There was also a 12-string Telecaster (I think) that he is using for one of the tracks. A lot of the guitars and other random equipment lying around belongs to the Flaming Lips. -Willi$

Actually, it is a 12 string stratocaster, not a telecaster. -Stone Malone

It sounds like something from a santana song.

Matt immediately went about the task of gathering every keyboard in the place and assembling it into the "Domination Station." We all thought it was a good look, but it had to be dismantled so we could set up the drums right in that part of the room to get a bit tighter sound.

Notice the Monopoly board game on the Domination Station. Word to the wise. Never play Doty in Monopoly. Making a deal with Doty is like making a deal with the devil. Stay away. -Stone Malone

Monopoly is a key part in any domination station.

I have turned into the band chef. Chicken and pepper burritos that taste oh so good coming in. But everything I make tends to punish my fellow bandmates. -Stone Malone

[continue to saxon shore website]