mewithoutyou is heading out on tour this summer, starting next Wednesday, 2 June in St. Louis for the US and then 03 July in Holland . I’ve been getting some copies of It’s All Crazy… and Brother, Sister LPs ready for them to take along. Be sure to catch them. 02 June : St. Louis, MO. Off Broadway Nightclub w/ Rocky Votolato and Rubik. 03 June : Lawrence, KS. Granada w/ Rocky Votolato and Rubik. 04 June : Denver, CO. Marquis Theatre w/ Rocky Votolato and Rubik. 05 June : Murray, UT. Murray Theater w/ Rocky Votolato and Rubik 07 June : Seattle, WA. El Corazon. 08 June : Portland, OR. Hawthorne Theater w/ David Bazan and Rubik. 10 June : San Francisco, CA. The Regency Ballroom w/ David Bazan and Rubik. 11 June : Anaheim, CA. Chain Reaction w/ David Bazan and Rubik. 12 June : Los Angeles, CA. Henry Fonda Theatre w/ David Bazan and Rubik 13 June : Scottsdale, AZ. Martini Ranch w/ David Bazan and Rubik. 15 June : Austin, TX. emo’s. 16 June : Dallas, TX. The Door. 17 June : Oklahoma City, OK. Diamond Ballroom w/ David Bazan and Rubik. 18 June : Springfield,…Continue readingmewithoutyou on tour